
Option Explicit

Sub CopyCellAuto()

Dim setsheet
Dim cntrow
Dim rowchk As Range

Dim fromsheet
Dim fromrange
Dim fromfilepath
Dim tofilepath
Dim tofilename
Dim tosheet
Dim torange

Dim pastetypesheet
Dim foundcell
Dim pastetypejp
Dim pastetype

Dim Opnbook As Workbook
Dim fromOpnbook As Workbook
Dim toOpnbook As Workbook
Dim openflg
Dim savefilepath

setsheet = "自動セル転記"
pastetypesheet = "リスト)形式を選択して貼付"


For Each Opnbook In Workbooks
If Opnbook.FullName <> ThisWorkbook.FullName Then
MsgBox "安全のため、" & vbCrLf & "他のExcelファイルを全て閉じてから実行してください。"
Exit Sub
End If
Next Opnbook

MsgBox "転記を開始します。"

Application.ScreenUpdating = False '画面チラつき防止


cntrow = 21
Do While cntrow < 100
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets(setsheet)

fromfilepath = .Cells(cntrow, 2) & .Cells(cntrow, 3)
fromsheet = .Cells(cntrow, 4)
fromrange = .Cells(cntrow, 5)
tofilepath = .Cells(cntrow, 6) & .Cells(cntrow, 7)
tosheet = .Cells(cntrow, 8)
torange = .Cells(cntrow, 9)
tofilename = .Cells(cntrow, 7)
savefilepath = .Cells(cntrow, 10) & .Cells(cntrow, 11)
.Cells(cntrow, 14) = ""

pastetypejp = .Cells(cntrow, 12)
Set foundcell = Worksheets(pastetypesheet).Range("A:A").Find(pastetypejp)
If foundcell Is Nothing Then
pastetype = ""
pastetype = Worksheets(pastetypesheet).Cells(foundcell.Row, 3)
End If

Set rowchk = .Range(.Cells(cntrow, 1), Cells(cntrow, 12))
If WorksheetFunction.CountBlank(rowchk) = rowchk.Count Then
.Cells(cntrow, 14) = "OK)最終行です。"
Exit Do
End If

Set rowchk = .Range(.Cells(cntrow, 1), Cells(cntrow, 1))
If WorksheetFunction.CountBlank(rowchk) = rowchk.Count Then
.Cells(cntrow, 14) = "OK)実行対象外によりスキップしました。"
GoTo Continue
End If

Set rowchk = .Range(.Cells(cntrow, 2), Cells(cntrow, 12))
If WorksheetFunction.CountBlank(rowchk) <> 0 Then
.Cells(cntrow, 14) = "ERR)設定エラーによりスキップしました。"
GoTo Continue
End If

On Error Resume Next
Open fromfilepath For Append As #1
Close #1
If Err.Number > 0 Then
.Cells(cntrow, 14) = "ERR)実行エラーによりスキップしました。(転記元ファイル)"
GoTo Continue
End If

Open tofilepath For Append As #1
Close #1
If Err.Number > 0 Then
.Cells(cntrow, 14) = "ERR)実行エラーによりスキップしました。(転記先ファイル)"
GoTo Continue
End If

If tofilepath <> savefilepath Then
If Dir(savefilepath) <> "" Then
.Cells(cntrow, 14) = "ERR)実行エラーによりスキップしました。(保存先ファイル)"
GoTo Continue
End If
End If

Application.DisplayAlerts = False 'アラート非表示

On Error GoTo 0
Set fromOpnbook = Workbooks.Open(fromfilepath)
Set toOpnbook = Workbooks.Open(tofilepath)

toOpnbook.Sheets(tosheet).Range(torange).PasteSpecial Paste:=pastetype
toOpnbook.Sheets(tosheet).Cells(1, 1).Select

If tofilepath = savefilepath Then
.Cells(cntrow, 14) = "OK)上書保存しました。"
toOpnbook.SaveAs savefilepath
.Cells(cntrow, 14) = "OK)別名保存しました。"
End If


Application.DisplayAlerts = True 'アラート表示
End With

cntrow = cntrow + 1

Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MsgBox "転記が完了しました。"

End Sub